Privacy Notice
Brighton Early Music Festival (BREMF) takes the privacy of its customer and other data seriously and aims to comply fully with the General Data Protection Regulations.
We have a record of audience members’ names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers which we use to:
- let audience members know about events
- thank donors for donating to the Festival
- prompt about Friends membership renewals
- and, in the case of phone numbers, let customers know about lost property or last minute cancellations
We also hold names, addresses and email addresses of people who signed up on our website to receive a brochure or e-newsletter. BREMF always ensures that the uses we put our data to are legitimate and proportionate.
We do not hold credit card information (all bookings are processed through a secure trading system) and we never share customer information with other organisations.
Data is stored on individual staff and volunteer computers which are password protected, and backed up to an encrypted USB memory stick and external hard drive. Some data is held via an encrypted cloud storage service. Data is stored for only as long as is necessary, and not for longer than 10 years from the date of last known activity.
Individuals wishing to view the data that the Festival holds on them should contact Cathy Boyes, Festival Producer at We will ensure it is provided within 30 days of receiving the written request. We respect individuals’ rights to have their personal data erased from our systems on request.
Individuals seeking to amend their data record or contact preferences should do this by emailing or calling 01273 833746. There is also the option to unsubscribe from our e-newsletter by using the link at the foot of each email.
To view the Festival’s full Data Protection Policy please click here.