Friday 18 October, 19.30 at St Bartholomew's Church

Connections of Power

EVENT OVER. Music for the 1468 wedding of Margaret of York to Charles the Bold of Burgundy

Date & Time: Friday 18 October, 19.30

Ticket price: £20; under 30s £10; under 12s free

Venue: St Bartholomew's Church

The wedding of Princess Margaret of York, sister of King Edward IV, to Charles, Duke of Burgundy was certainly one of the most lavish and musically rich of the century. This programme presents some of the music that would have been part of the celebrations, including works by Dufay and Busnois as well as the English composers Frye and Dunstable.

An immersive evening of chant and polyphony – some improvised, and the BREMF debut of Dutch ensemble Cappella Pratensis, singing from original notation around a choirbook stand.

Cappella Pratensis
Andrew Hallock superius
Tim Braithwaite superius, artistic director
Lior Leibovici altus
Peter de Laurentiis tenor
Marc Busnel bassus

BREMF Consort of Voices
James Elias director

Supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom


Josquin des Prez
c.1450-1521 /
Guillaume Dufay
Ave maris stella

John Dunstable
Gaude virgo

Plainchant Introitus: Rorate Coeli

Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini: Kyrie

Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini: Gloria

Plainchant Alleluia: Ostende nobis Domine

Plainchant Alleluia: In die resurrexionis meae

Walter Frye
Missa Flos regalis: Credo

Plainchant Offertorium: Ave Maria

- interval -

Plainchant Prefatio

Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini: Sanctus

Plainchant Pater Noster

Dufay / Frye Missa Ecce ancilla Domini / Missa Flos regalis: Agnus Dei

Plainchant Communio: Ecce virgo concipiet

Antoine Busnoys
Regina coeli laetare

Johannes Ockeghem
Ave Maria

Jean Mouton
Nesciens mater

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