Saturday 3 July, 6pm & 8pm at Royal Spa

The Madrigal Reimagined

EVENT OVER. An exciting exploration of the madrigal

Date & Time: Saturday 3 July, 6pm & 8pm

Ticket price: £15, £7.50 concessions (see Ts & Cs), Free for under-12s & carers

Venue: Royal Spa

Monteverdi String Band

Oliver Webber and Theresa Caudle violin
Wendi Kelly and David Brooker viola
Mark Caudle bass violin
Toby Carr lute, theorbo
Hannah Ely soprano

The ever-flexible madrigal was always a blank canvas subject to endless interpretations depending on the resources and imagination of the performers. Adding some ornamental ‘frizzante’ this programme explores the full dramatic possibilities of the form, vocally and instrumentally, including music by Monteverdi and words from Ovid.


Claudio Merulo
Canzona 18

Johann Nauwach
Cruda Amarilli

Claudio Monteverdi
Cruda Amarilli

Giovanni Artusi 1540–1613
The Imperfections of Modern Music

Toby Carr Prelude

Giovanni Battista Bovicelli
Diminutions on Anchor che col partire (Cipriano de Rore c.1515–1565)

Oliver Webber Diminutions on Signor mio caro (Cipriano de Rore)

Emanuele Tesauro 1592–1675
Pleasant and Unpleasant Sounds

Monteverdi Entrata and Ballo (from Il ballo delle ingrate)
Dolente partita
Ahi, troppo è duro
(from Il ballo delle ingrate)

Pietro della Valle 1586–1652
Of the music of our age

Oliver Webber Diminutions for soprano and bass on Vestiva i colli (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c.1525–1594)

Oliver Webber Diminutions on Così le chiome mie (Palestrina)

Publius Ovidius Naso 43BC–c.18AD
You powers that sway the world beneath the earth
translated by George Sandys 1578–1644

Monteverdi From l’Orfeo:
Lasciate i monti
Ahi caso acerbo
Ma io ch’in questa lingua

Sinfonia (Act II)
Sinfonia (Act III)
Vanne Orfeo

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