Friday 24 June, 9pm at St Bartholomew's Church
Transiting the Night Hours
EVENT OVER. Sacred music and chant from the monastic night Offices of Compline and Matins fills the glorious spaces of St Bartholomew’s Church.
Date & Time: Friday 24 June, 9pm
Ticket price: Voluntary ticket – suggested £10 or pay what you can
Venue: St Bartholomew's Church
Sacred music and chant from the monastic night Offices of Compline and Matins fills the glorious spaces of St Bartholomew’s, providing the perfect atmosphere for contemplation and reflection in the heart of Brighton. Everyone is welcome to drop in or to stay for longer.
BREMF Consort of Voices
Deborah Roberts director
Part 1: Music for a Tudor Compline
Sarum chant from the Office
Psalm 31: Christopher Tye c. 1505–1572/3 My trust O Lord in thee is grounded
Thomas Tallis c. 1505–1585 Te lucis ante terminum
Robert White c. 1538–1574 Christe qui lux es et dies
Tallis In manus tuas
Christopher Tye c. 1505–c. 1573 Nunc dimittis
John Sheppard 1515–1558 The Lord’s Prayer
Sheppard In pace
John Browne 1453–c. 1500 Salve Regina
Part 2: Music for Matins for the feast of St John the Baptist (24 June)
Gregorian chant Invitatory: Regem praecursoris Dominum
Venite (Tone 5)
Gregorian Hymn Antra deserti teneris
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c. 1525–1594 Matins Responsory: Fuit homo missus
Tomás Luis de Victoria c. 1548–c. 1611 Matins Responsory: Descendit Angelus Domini