By Deborah Roberts, BREMF Artistic Director
On Monday 22 June I completed the 20 mile sponsored walk on the South Downs to raise funds for BREMF@home!
I started around 8.30 at Devil’s Dyke with a cool wind and a chorus of skylarks. I continued west along the South Downs Way meeting many sheep, some beautiful cows and a lot of noisy pigs, down to the River Adur and then up to Chanctonbury Ring where I had a picnic. Then it was back the same way with some fairly steep climbs for the last 4½ miles.
It was a perfect day for it and people were still donating as well as cheering me on with encouraging Facebook posts as I walked. Thank you all so much for those! In the end we received almost 100 donations from wonderful friends around the globe, and some are still coming in. Sponsors included several performers who can least afford it while unable to work.
My warmest thanks to you all. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude and wish I could write to you all in person, but as you may imagine working towards our first major digital project is engaging almost every waking moment. This is such new territory and we have so much to learn.
Here are some pictures that I took while walking. What a stunning landscape, and one that will feature in this year’s BREMF@home – around the EARTH. Thank you so much to everyone who supported my walk – in total it raised over £4,000!